Testimonies From Walton County Seniors
“A year ago I suffered Bursitis in my hip. It is gone” ~Peggy Fulmer (80)
“This class keeps me going. I have new friends and fitness” ~Ruth
Hudson (90)
“I have lost 30 pounds” ~Maggie Wilbanks (63)
“My bone density tests have reversed” ~Penny Thompson
“My doctor said this program helped save my life. It helped me keep my
blood moving when I had a blood clot, Thank you” ~Karen Young (65)
“My doctor says Senior Fitness is putting her out of business” ~Kay
Dunams (77)
“I dropped so much weight, I will have to wear padding the next time I
play Santa Claus.” ~Joe Farris (82) (The real Santa for St. Jude’s
Hospital for 51 years straight)
“This program has given me a new lease on life. It got me into a “fit”
condition, and I continually progress” ~Carol Hendrickson (73)
“I look forward to each class, not only for physical benefits, but for the
camaraderie also” ~Sarah Saucier (71)
“I love Senior Fitness. I have lowered my blood pressure and move a lot
better” ~Joyce Stewart
“I have become more flexible, and really enjoy the social aspect of the
class” ~Emily Cook (74)
“The Senior Fitness program has meant the world to me. It has
improved my health, motion, and attitude. I have made life long
friendships with others” ~ Mary Dolphyn (71)
“The Senior Fitness class has helped my back, and I have been able to
put off back surgery. Love the class.” ~Jean Gasaway (80)
“Senior Fitness is a wonderful program. I appreciate the advantage it
gives seniors to exercise, make new friends, and socialize. We are
truly in better health than our parents were, and in as good a health as
our children.” ~ Robbie Moon (62)
“I have congestive heart failure, and the aerobics class has helped me
to exercise my heart and give me energy” ~JoAnne Bowers (65)
“This class is great! It has helped me feel healthier and get toned up.
More importantly, I have made some wonderful friends.” ~ Marla Mize
“Senior Fitness class has been a lifesaver for me after my husband died.
It gave me a place to go socialize, and most of all improve my health”
~Danice Walsh (76)
“Wonderful class. I am happier and healthier. My cholesterol is down,
and I have more energy. The fellowship is important. Great to connect
and talk to others in the group.” ~Linda White (57)
“Senior Fitness is a great program. It has helped me control my diabetes
and weight. Not only has it helped me healthwise, but also socially. I
am stronger and healthier for coming. Also, we have a great instructor.
Just love the program.” ~Chris Armstrong (74)
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diagnosis and treatment.